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I agree - try macros in PC5250 emulation. If you record it in VBA mode, you can do some pretty hairy programming with it.

-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Booth Martin <booth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
One choice would be to record a macro, label it, save it, then play the
macro when needed.

I've done that for library lists for example. Its not exactly elegant,
but it works. It even records your typos and the backspacing to fix the
typo. Its fun to watch. Once saved, it is easy to edit, also.

Voris, John wrote:
I am writing some Unit-Test software for our shop, and would like to do
something in an automated fashion when the screen format is opened. Or
when the user presses a function key. I am trying to write these
Unit-Test programs with the most minimal code and logic. So I am
looking for a "codeless" solution inside the RPG program.

A function of "ADDDSPTRG" similar to ADDPFTRG would be great.

One option is to overriding the PRINT function with a program (which I
believe can be done and may be the most straight-forward).

Using a data queue to ultimately hand the Open event back to the display
program seems like overkill to me.

Are there any other alternatives that anyone can think of?

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