× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

One last comment on this issue in this forum, I promise.  I'd just like your
input and then see what Mr. Gibbs has to say.

The typical response when a thread goes awry is to say it should go to
CPF0000 or NONTECH.  But in truth, this conversation in particular was about
as TECH as it gets - comparing two platforms.  And while I know those
discussions can get a little cantankerous, as Aaron and I proved, I think we
also proved that they can bring up some good topics and even some possible
action items.  They're not just bitbucket discussions.

So rather than a MIDRANGE-NONTECH topic, how about a NONMIDRANGE-TECH list?
I know that sounds like it might be a little offkilter for this particular
server, but as long as its populated by midrange folks and the discussions
have some peripheral connection to the platform (for example, I hope we're
still talking about at least accessing iSeries data if not iSeries business
logic, Aaron?), I think it's the next area where we need to evolve.

The JDBC vs. native I/O issue is a litte more iSeries-centric, so may or may
not fit there.

The discussion of Linux vs. Windows desktops and the corresponding
productivity software definitely would fit there.

Discussion of handhelds, portables, phone connectivity and so on could
probably fit there, including comparisons of phone services and plans.

Discussions of odd bits of network hardware and how to talk to it (barcode
scanners, electronic scales, credit card machines) you name it, it could go

All of these things are related to our jobs as application assemblers.
(Yes, I consider myself an application assembler on certain days as well

I'd be interested in your thoughts and if there's any interest at all I'll
take it to a wider group.


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