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I think it's mainly because IBM is going for platform independence. I would
like to see Micro$oft even think of putting Visual Studio on another
platform, much less do it. VS is probably written in C++ and it written
specifically to Windows only. I see it as a couple options to drastically
improve speed. 1) have MS build in a proper JDK into Windows so it is
running closer to the kernel level instead of the application level (will
NEVER happen). 2) Switch languages. This would not make sense since they are
currently still switching to java, but is you use C or C++ to the standards
or using something like WxWindows (or something like that) which is a cross
platform compiler, you can then have the write once, compile anywhere

Now what I don't fully understand is why Eclipse can be so fast, but WDSc
can be so slow. Eclipse takes about 30 seconds to load, WDSc about 2 mins
(Only RSE and Quantum DB is loading). Also, you have NetBeans which loads a
lot faster, and that has a lot more functionality. My guess is there is a
happy medium and that IBM will eventually find it, it will just take time. I
hope you don't increase the system requirements again, it is hard to justify
a new PC just for one program when I can do the exact same stuff in
green-screen with my current system.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bartell, Aaron L. (TC)

Is there a reason you can't copy the functionality MS has, IBM? 

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