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[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

I'm trying to get more of our developers to forsake SEU and use the Code
Editor (mostly RPG and CL.)  The Code Editor, not the LPEX editor.

There is either an astounding dearth of documentation, or else it is extremely
well hidden.  Or maybe I'm blind.

I've taken the "Code/400 on the Web" item under Help.  After browsing around
all I can find is the "Getting Started with IBM Websphere Development Studio
Client for iSeries."  It doesn't seem to have any detail on the Code Editor.
Nor on the communication link, which is one of the most difficult bits to get
a grip on.  STRCODE isn't even mentioned.  I can find nothing on starting the
editor from PDM.

What am I missing?  Can someone point me to some step by step cook book to
help people get going?  (We do have Jon Paris's quickstart--yeah Jon!)

I suppose that WDSc is the new wave and that IBM isn't focusing anything on
the "old" Code tools.  But there must have been some documentation on them
that is ferreted away somewhere.  Or some Common presentations?  Didn't there
used to be some tutorials that came with the Code/400 product?


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