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I've previously discussed this with IBM.  The SQL precompiler technology
isn't quite up to the Code/400 products.  As far as I have been able to
determine, there is no way to get the Code editor to open to the
original source instead of the temporary source from QTEMP. At least,
I've never managed to make it happen.

And if you want to set a debug option there are other issues, because
the SQL precomiler passes through either the request for an event file
(to get back the listing) or the debug option, but not both.  I believe
that Code actually submits two compiles to get around this and that you
must specify interactive compilation to make sure they run in the
correct order.  "Interactive" compiling just means that the server job
doesn't submit the compile job, but executes it inline.  You specify
this somewhere on the compile options screen--can't remember now and I'm
at home.

For a company that is pushing SQL as the prefered access to the
database, IBM SQL compiler technology is woefully behind the rest of the
AS/400, er iSeries, world.  But I don't think it can be blamed on the
Code developers, but rather on the database development team.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Groschwitz" <sublime78ska@yahoo.com>
To: <code400-l@midrange.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: Compiling SQLRPGLE programs and getting the errors


> If my error is in the RPG code, the temporary source
> document appears ie.
> <hostname>MCUMMING/EVFTEMPF01(mbr)
> I'm not sure where that file came from but
> presumably it went through the
> SQL preprocessor and created this file for me. Maybe
> because
> OPTION(*EVENTF) is specified on the compile.

I think this is the problem.  We need to go to the
member we're editing when we click on an error - not
open and goto the temporary member created by the


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