× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


Look in the sg_start.htm file in your wdt400\java directory for information
on the SmartGuide framework.  Within CODE, there are 4 or 5 SmartGuides
provided.  In the CODE Editor, you can get to the documentation if you are
editing a java file and go to the Help menu.

In the wdt400\java directory, there is a classes.jar which contains the
actual class files.  There is also a samples.jar which contains the actual
java source for the class files in classes.jar.  When the CODE Editor
starts, we automatically add a few jar files (including the classes.jar) to
the classpath.

Eric Simpson
WebSphere Development Tools for iSeries
IBM Canada Lab - D1/140/8200/MKM
Phone:  (905) 413-3226,  Tie-Line:  969-3226,  Fax: (905) 413-4850
Email:  esimpson@ca.ibm.com

"David Morris" <David.Morris@plumcreek.com>@midrange.com on 12/24/2001
03:44:57 PM

Please respond to code400-l@midrange.com

Sent by:  code400-l-admin@midrange.com

To:   <code400-l@midrange.com>
Subject:  Lpexlets


I wrote a prototype generator for Java classes. It works great when you
want to generate prototypes to support a Java class (if you have tried
to embed java calls in RPG code, you probably recognize the value in
this). My intention is to release this as open source, but first I
wanted to create a smart guide wrapper so that it would be easier to use
in Code/400. I found samples in my c:\wdt400\java directory, but those
don't play well with VA/Java. I wanted to get those samples running and
found they are not compiled. Now I am thinking that if someone took the
time to provide samples, they probably documented it somewhere. Can't
find anything in the Code/400 help though.

Can someone point me to the documentation for those Smart Guide samples
and the build if possible. Also, the manual does imply that those smart
guides will run out of the box, but the jar does not contain class files
and is not part of the Code/400 classpath. Do you have to comile them or
are they included in another jar that I haven't located yet?


David Morris
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