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The RPG compiler developers have occasionally posted a list of possible
enhancements with the degree of difficult to implement and allowed us to
prioritize the list by spending $100.  I'd like to see something similar
for Code/400.

Here are some things I'd like to see:

*  Intelligent indenting in /FREE.

*  Improvements on handling embedded SQL.  Currently it is only

   - Get error messages back properly from both the pre-compile and the

   - In a C/Exec SQL C/End-Exec block put C+ at the beginning of each
inserted line.  Maybe this will be superceeded if /FREE in the RPG
compiler can handle free form SQL.

   - A prompting facility would be nice.  Re-use something from Ops Nav?

*  Improvements to Alt-J.  Trim the statement type leading blanks off
the following line.  It the result is too long, split the second line at
a word and leave the remainder on the line.  I'm thinking primarily of
something that would make editing comment blocks and SQL easier.

* Alt-S could have similar improvements.  For example, if I have
something like this, which has wandered into the comment field:
    c                   eval      ALongNamedVariable=SomeThingBig +
and I Alt-S at the + I'd like it to end up like this:

    c                   eval      ALongNamedVariable=SomeThingBig
    c                             + AnotherVariable
not like this:
    c                   eval      ALongNamedVariable=SomeThingBig
+ AnotherVariable

OK, it's getting late--I quit for now.


PS:  If it carries any weight, I do appreciate Code/400.  I can't do
without the editor.  Keep up the good work.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian D. James" <bjames@isdsolutions.net>
To: <code400-l@midrange.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 10:21 AM
Subject: CODE/400 Development Team "Considerations List"

Hi Michele,

Is this list publicly available somewhere? Does the CODE/400 development
team ever solicit feedback on what the users think are the most
features being considered for implementation?



-----Original Message-----
From: code400-l-admin@midrange.com
[mailto:code400-l-admin@midrange.com]On Behalf Of mcumming@ca.ibm.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 8:04 AM
To: code400-l@midrange.com
Subject: Re: Intelligent Indenting with /FREE

I agree that intelligent indenting would be a great thing to have in the
/free blocks.  I'll add it to our considerations list.
As far as the View->Indent in the /free block goes, it is working as
designed but I'll give some thought to indenting it as well.

Thanks for your ideas!

Michele Cummings

WDT iSeries Development
IBM Toronto Lab

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