× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

  • Subject: RE: CODE Designer woes
  • From: Jon.Paris@xxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 11:30:06 -0500

 >> My understanding is that it should just be a 1-800 call away but I
realize that life is seldom that simple.

Mike - I'll repeat some information I passed on to John and Edmund some
time ago - please don't take this as a personal affront - you are doing a
fabulous job here.

The first problem is finding someone to accept that such a product exists!
The last a customer of mine tried it (admittedly some 9 months or so ago)
they could not get IBM to admit to the existence of Code/400 for the
longest time.  When you do get someone to admit that it is an IBM product,
they want you to reboot, re-install (like you haven't done it 5 times
already) and when that doesn't fix the problem it then becomes apparent
that they have never used the product and have no idea where to go next.  I
know there are a couple of knowledgeable support line people but the last
one I knew who understood the product left.

Oh and money!  I forgot that.  If you don't have a support contract - we
don't - they start the meter the minute you call in (and the rate is pretty
horrific).  It is up to _you_ to prove that it is a bug in the software -
and even when you do it can take them months and many more phone calls to
get them to wipe it off your bill.

I will make the same offer to you that I made to John some time back -
e-mail me and I will send you my customer number - you can then report the
problems I sent you the other day and even use my name if you wish.
Perhaps after you have done that you'll understand why people would prefer
to report problems through forums such as this rather than through
"official" channels.

There is a place for "formal" support - but for these kind of problems
there is no substitute for being able to communicate with the developer.
The problem is that IBM's "bean counting" system for problem reporting has
to change.  Users shouldn't be penalized because your internal systems have
not yet acknowledge the use of the internet as a vehicle for problem


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