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  • Subject: VARPG calling local program; parameters not returning correctly
  • From: "D Dangel" <dsdangel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 11:53:00 EST

I do not have much experience with VisualAge RPG and I am trying to do my 
first local call.  The call works and the called program seems to work, but 
when the called program ends the return parameters seem to be empty and the 
window is partially destoyed.  I am sure I am doing something wrong but I'm 
not sure what it is.  I have tried using the debugger but can't quite figure 
it out yet.  I would very much appreciate any help I can get!

This is the code that performs the call

C              Eval      RtnName = %GetAtr('Frame2':'QomCNm':'Text')
C              CallP     AddressE(RtnAtn: RtnName: RtnAdr1: RtnAdr2:
C                          RtnAdr3: RtnStat: RtnCtry: RtnZip: RtnZip2)
C              Eval      QomAtn = RtnAtn
C              Eval      QomCNm = RtnName
C              Eval      QomAd1 = RtnAdr1
C              Eval      QomAd2 = RtnAdr2
C              Eval      QomAd3 = RtnAdr3
C              Eval      QomStC = RtnStat
C              Eval      QomCty = RtnCtry
C              Eval      QomZip = RtnZip
C              Eval      QomZp2 = RtnZip2
* update screen fields
C              Eval      %SetAtr('Frame2': 'QomCNm': 'Text') = QomCNm
C              Eval      %SetAtr('Frame2': 'QomAtn': 'Text') = QomAtn
C              Eval      %SetAtr('Frame2': 'QomAd1': 'Text') = QomAd1
C              Eval      %SetAtr('Frame2': 'QomAd2': 'Text') = QomAd2
C              Eval      %SetAtr('Frame2': 'QomAd3': 'Text') = QomAd3
C              Eval      %SetAtr('Frame2': 'QomStC': 'Text') = QomStC
C              Eval      %SetAtr('Frame2': 'QomZip': 'Text') = QomZip
C              Eval      %SetAtr('Frame2': 'QomZp2': 'Text') = QomZp2

C              Eval      %SetAtr('Frame2': 'Frame2': 'Focus') = 1


Here is the entry parameter list for the called program

     C     *Entry        PList
     C                   Parm                    OutAtn
     C                   Parm                    OutName
     C                   Parm                    OutAdr1
     C                   Parm                    OutAdr2
     C                   Parm                    OutAdr3
     C                   Parm                    OutStat
     C                   Parm                    OutCtry
     C                   Parm                    OutZip
     C                   Parm                    OutZip2


This is the last code the is performed in the called program before LR

*  send back the address that has been entered
C                   Eval      OutAtn = VnAtn1
C                   If        VnAtn1 = *Blank AND VnAtn2 <> *Blank
C                   Eval      OutAtn = VnAtn2
C                   endIF
C                   Eval      OutName = VnName
C                   Eval      OutAdr1 = VnAdr1
C                   Eval      OutAdr2 = VnAdr2
C                   Eval      OutAdr3 = VnCity
C                   Eval      OutStat = VnStat
C                   Eval      OutCtry = VnCtry
C                   Eval      OutZip  = VnZip1
C                   Eval      OutZip2 = VnZip2

I feel quite certain that the "Vn" fields have the correct values in them 
because of the screen functions performed within this program.

When calling the program I do send one parm (RTNNAME).  This parm gets to 
the called program correctly.  I do not update that field in the called 
program so it remains unchanged on the window after returning to the calling 

Thank you.
Darlene Dangel
Greenleaf Corporation
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