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AFaIK the records\rows of the TABLE can still be read, though there is no support to include the _data_ from any columns of a non-supported data type in the buffer, since the data would have been omitted by use of the undocumented open option(s). This is the effectively identical means [open options] by which OPNDBF, CPYF, and RUNQRY as non-SQL interfaces can access those columns of a non-supported data type, for which the data is presented as "*POINTER".

Another reference:
"josys36 03-18-2009, 01:31 PM
Well I was able to get this to work.

In order to use the _Ropen API there is a undocumented parm that will support the use of LOB fields. The parm is lobptrs=Y."

Bruce's post, referenced in the quoted text, suggests that "undocumented=unsupported".

Regardless, opening a database file member to determine the number of records\rows in the physical database file member is probably one of the least desirable implementations, for a number of reasons.

kwds: CPF428A rc1

Regards, Chuck

On 02-Nov-2011 10:59 , Erik Olsson wrote:
You can't read a table containing BLOBs for instance, but you can
however open it using _Ropen and then you could use the feedback
API to get the number of records.

Look up a mail to this list from November 2010, particularly Bruce
Vining's answer:

2011/11/2 Jevgeni Astanovski<Jevgeni.Astanovski@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Such an unexpected situation.
Had a program that for certain reason needed to know number of
records in a physical file.
Definitely there are many ways to do that.
I did it like this:

if ((fp1 = _Ropen(argv[1], "rr")) == NULL)
.... error message ....
return(0) ;
fb1 = _Ropnfbk (fp1);
_Rclose(fp1) ;

After that fb1->num_records contains a number of records in the
file argv[1].
Worked fine with all needed files but 3. For them open fails.
Looked inside - they contain either BLOB or CLOB fields of size ca

Googled for a while but failed to find if it is possible to work
with tables containing BLOB/CLOB fields from ILE/C without using
embedded SQL.

Any idea?

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