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Based on your little example, one possibility is that original programmer
assumed that num will be automatically initialized to a non-zero value.
Automatic (local) storage is undefined, meaning you get whatever is in the
stack at that time (as my data structures professor used to say, you get
So perhaps you've just been getting lucky all this time because the value in
the stack was always greater than zero and now on V5R3 OS has changed
slightly and value happens to be zero.

If you really want it to always be zero, either make it static storage or
explicitly initialize it to zero (i.e. int num = 0).


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-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: [C400-L] upgrade from V5R2 to V5R3.

Uumm. For some reasons the while (num=num) in our V5R2 was being
executed as true even when num=0.


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