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  • Subject: Erroneous Inventory Balances
  • From: "Bailey, Dick" <Dick_Bailey@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 12:12:23 -0500

        I want to thank those of you who helped to analyze this issue and
lead to its resolution here. 

        The issue was that ILI balances were being generated incorrectly
when a new ILI record was created in ORD577B. The fields for issues and for
receipts were not being cleared in memory from the previous transaction.  As
a result, you could ship a quantity of one of an item from a location that
was new for that part and end up with issues of 15, or 377, or whatever. You
could also end up after that shipment with receipts in that location of 12,
even though nothing had ever been received in the location. ILI balances on
hand would not agree with IWI, until the end of the month, when the
incorrect balance got "synched" into IWI.

        The problem occurred most often here following a shipment of a kit,
but it could happen in other circumstances.
        SSA identified BMRs 47646 and 52350 as "possibly" the solutions, but
since they were locked into the April Cum for version 6.1 that we haven't
implemented yet, and since it wasn't clear that they would help, our
technical people implemented a local fix that has worked.  

        So now I'm working on the question: why do transactions sometime
perform correctly on ILI records but generate IWI records that are in error?
Anybody figure that out yet?

        Dick Bailey

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