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Greetings all--

RCVJRNE passes two entries to an exit program--a buffer and a three-byte
control field. When the journal receiver changes, RCVJRNE passes data into
the control field and my exit program sees "3N0", where byte 1 ('3')
indicates the RCVJRNE command is ending. It ends--and so does my
application. The return code in the job log is 0 and no message is posted.

It's easy to test this process: I start my program, it waits, I change the
journal receiver with *NEW, and my program ends with a "3". This is an
unplanned and undesired feature.

I can't see if/where the control field is available as a returned parameter
in RCVJRNE; did I miss it? Having this data would enable a clean mechanism
for restarting the RCVJRNE command. Otherwise, I'll have to use a data
queue, a data area, or my configuration manager to pass the status back to
my CLLE program so I can restart. I save the last processed entry sequence
number as part of my start/restart logic--the restart will be easy.

The API doesn't appear to return this data, so that option appears to be
off the table.

I'm surprised RCVJRNE isn't capable of handling a journal receiver change.

I'd appreciate ideas/suggestions/education. Thank you!


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