× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I'll wager the 38 was running IBM's HRGAS (Hotel Reservations and Guest Accounting System) software, and the 36 was running the back office software from Hotel Information Systems. 😊

-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Richard Schoen
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 4:15 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: System/38 still up, running production workload

Back in 97, we did an install of one of the 436 machines at a hotel in Vegas to replace a System 38 and a System 36 and an old 3741 key to disk machine they still used.

The cost of the upgrade was going to be absorbed by cooling savings alone.

When trying to decide which machine to turn off first, I logged on to the System 38 and it decided to crash the system when I did the power down.

That was the first system to go.

Fortunately they were only using it as a glorified disk reader 😊

BTW: I fell in love with QuikTrip Orange Juice Slushies this summer when in St Louis.

Richard Schoen
Web: http://www.richardschoen.net
Email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


message: 1
date: Wed, 17 Aug 2022 21:13:22 +0000
from: "Lehti, Eric" <elehti@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: System/38 still up, running production workload

I was stunned to learn that a System/38 is still up, running a production workload, according to a person having direct knowledge of it.
Hi client would like to migrate the application to a more modern platform.

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