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Hi Lucia

Patrick said that processing PS is slower than PCL on the printer - this might suggest using PCL instead - it's certainly going to be found on all HP printers and most other brands, as well.

Now the trade-off might be in converting ("printing" using GhostScript) to PCL or PS - but you'd be doing one or the other, so it might make no real difference on the i.


On 8/13/2021 3:22 AM, Maria Lucia Stoppa wrote:
Hi Patrick,

I have been working in my current workplace for less than 2 years, so I
can't really say how old is that specific printer and these days there's no
one else to ask; also, last week I contacted the maintenance service to ask
for the PS optional card but they haven't answered yet...

Anyway, I was able to print to the printer next office, so to me, I reached
my purpose.

Thank you

Il giorno ven 13 ago 2021 alle ore 10:06 Patrik Schindler <poc@xxxxxxxxxx>
ha scritto:

Hello Maria,

Am 13.08.2021 um 02:10 schrieb Maria Lucia Stoppa <mlstoppa@xxxxxxxxx>:

Also, I just want to add one last thing about my previous message: the
first described method (sending pdf to printers which don't support direct
printing) works fine as well as the second, the problem in my case was the
printer which is too old to support both ps and pdf. With newer ones it
works smoothly.

Huh? PostScript support in Laser Printers has been a thing since Apple
marketed the first LaserWriter in 1985. One needs to note that for a *very*
long time, licensing PostScript from early Adobe seems to have been
expensive enough to make printer manufacturers consider PS support optional
by adding some kind of module.

As far as my (limited) memory serves, the last decade has seen PS support
(either original Adobe, or a clone thereof as Kyocera did with its KPDL) in
almost all laser printers except for the very low end ones.

Definitely worth considering is the fact that PostScript is almost always
slower being processed in printer than PCL, the HP invented page
description "language".

:wq! PoC

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