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Hahah! How much to overnight them??? :)

On 11/5/2020 8:29 PM, Don Brown via MIDRANGE-L wrote:
I have a couple in Brisbane Australia :-)

Sorry could not help my self.


From: smith5646midrange@xxxxxxxxx
To: "'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'"
Date: 06/11/2020 12:23 PM
Subject: RE: When it rains...
Sent by: "MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Where are you located? Maybe someone nearby will read this and they can
dig one out of the storage closet and loan it to you.

-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Joe
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2020 8:13 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: When it rains...

Okay, so after the inadvertent reboot the system came up cleanly and I
have TCP/IP access (but of course no console). So here's the $64,000
question: can I do the disk swap now and reboot, and run STRSST over the
LAN? Should I? Because frankly it's looking like it will be difficult to
get a new console anytime soon. I may be able to borrow one, but even
that is difficult these days.

O Gurus of the List, what say you?

On 11/5/2020 6:14 PM, Joe Pluta wrote:
So I get a message in QSYSOPR that a disk failed. Okay, no problem, I
have a spare. I should probably get a few more, but that's a
different story. So I go to flip on the operations console (an old
school twinax Infowindow) and... it beeps and then goes silent. Okay,
so now that's gone. Time to go to the backup. an old LynkLyte (with
the name SILVON0 taped to it). It also fails to turn on. I do a
snaity check of the power cord on an LCD monitor, it works fine. Now
I'm getting worried. I know I have the third string monitor in a
closet somewhere.... and now I know why it's in the closet. It powers
up, but the screen just shows a weird rolling line; clearly the
display card is fried.

So now I'm dead in the water. No monitor, can't get in and do an SST
to replace the drive. And to add insult to injury, I bumped the power
cord and killed the power momentarily, so in the middle of all this
the system is booting off an unprotected set of disks.

Anyway, I'm just putting this out to the group to see if anyone has
old twinax monitors that need a home. I found a couple on Ebay, but
they're not going to get here very quick. Sadly, I was unable to find
one on Amazon Prime. :)

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