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Let it be known that this has IBM's attention. Whether or not they will have a solution in place that is satisfactory to all of us here and in the wider IBM i community is unknown (unlikely?) at this point.

I pointed out to them today for example that all of IBM's RFEs flow through DeveloperWorks and the lack of that alone should scare the dickens out of upper management.

Many of the things we technical folk use on a daily basis they care less about of course. As a consequence myself and my peers at COMMON Europe are in near constant communication with those who own this stuff.

Daily we are relaying 'yet another thing' we don't want to lose. They are starting to get it.

- Larry "DrFranken" Bolhuis

P.S. Geographay IS a big deal for IBM but they already have to deal with hundreds of geopraphies for everything else they do so it kinda got a free ride.

www.iDevCloud.com - Personal Development IBM i timeshare service.
www.iInTheCloud.com - Commercial IBM i Cloud Hosting.

On 10/31/2019 1:51 PM, Rob Berendt wrote:
Funny thing is that HCL had a webinar this week on the future of Connections. They're punting it off to multiple different companies based on geographical location. Apparently geography was not a big deal when it was under IBM but it's a huge thing under other companies.
Anyway, during the webinar multiple people asked about the future of DeveloperWorks content stored on Connections. Summary is: there is no future - kiss it goodbye.

Rob Berendt

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