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So I've solved problem 1 about getting multiple windows up at once. In fact, I found a better solution - the positions will remain sticky, meaning that you can move them and they'll show up again where you left them.  It requires a specific setting in the .bchx file:

Run1=bchx5250 "PathToEmulatorFiles\DEV1.hod" -s=A -w=1 -v=Last-Exit View
Run2=bchx5250 "PathToEmulatorFiles\DEV2.hod" -s=B -w=2 -v=Last-Exit View
Run3=bchx5250 "PathToEmulatorFiles\PROD1.hod" -s=C -w=3 -v=Last-Exit View
Run4=bchx5250 "PathToEmulatorFiles\PROD2.hod" -s=D -w=4 -v=Last-Exit View

The "PathToEmulatorFiles" is typically your user documents, then /IBM/emulator, but it can be whatever you need.  The -w=[1,2,3,4] tells the emulator to start a different window for each session, but the magic is the -v=Last-Exit View, which makes the window reappear wherever it was when you last closed it.

Works perfectly!  Now I have to figure out the signon stuff based on Rob's input.

On 10/23/2019 12:10 PM, Joe Pluta wrote:
I've been banging my head on this for a while, and I just can't seem to get all the pieces in place.

My goal is simple: click on an icon in the tray and have all my sessions come  up, and then disseminate this technique to my coworkers.  I want several sessions to different IBM i partitions.  In my personal case, I want two each to two partitions, while a coworker wants three each to those same two partitions.  We both want each one to be in its own, untabbed window.


My goals:

1. Specify the location (and size, as needed) of each window and have it used at startup.
2. Move the windows as needed and have those new locations stick.
3. Set it so I only enter my password the first time.

Does anyone have insights on this?

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