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I agree Dieter - I think that they should have done exactly that. Even then though you would still have issues potentially in that it relies on the constraint not just existing buy doing the right job!

Jon Paris


On Sep 3, 2018, at 2:12 PM, D*B <dieter.bender@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

may be I'm missing something or did not read all posts, but ... the solution I provided is documented (as well as other pitfalls with their solutions) in the "Row And Column Access Control" Redpaper:

The official documentation is the "SQL Reference" and there is not a single word about any problems with Field Procs. The origin of the problems is RLA and it's "native" access (and other "native" interfaces, Query, CPYF and CRTDUPOBJ). For a solid solution. I would have expected, that these interfaces could not corrupt the underlaying architecture and it could not have been so hard to disable RLA access unless the needed constraints are activated.

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