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I use them all the time and has used them since V5R2 without any problems.

This is however in a service program.

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 10:53 PM, Tim Bronski <tim.bronski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The _C_TS_malloc api enables me to access teraspace storage from a
single-level storage pgm. At least this is what the 7.1 doc says:
"Similarly, a single-level storage model program can explicitly use
bindable APIs to work with teraspace, such
as_C_TS_malloc,_C_TS_free,_C_TS_reallocand_C_TS_calloc." This works for 6.1
and above. I can't find any doc for V5R4 that describes these api's
although I know they're there: in QC2UTIL3. I'm not going to waste too much
time on it but I thought someone might have run into this before. Is (was)
anyone on V5R4 using _C_TS_malloc and was the program teraspace or single
level storage?


On 9/15/2015 9:18 PM, CRPence wrote:

On 15-Sep-2015 12:44 -0600, Tim Bronski wrote:

I have a client on V5R4 (they'll be upgrading shortly I'm told). A
new version of one of our programs fails on a memory allocation that
uses the teraspace memory allocator _C_TS_malloc. NULL is returned.
This isn't a very large allocation - a few k maybe. A version using
malloc works ok. Is there something about teraspace on V5R4 that I
don't know? The program uses single level storage apart from the
_C_TS_malloc'ed stuff. This all works fine on higher releases.

As I recall the compile commands have changed since then, to be /nicer/
for effecting Teraspace-capable storage; i.e. the capability is available
per the parameter defaults of the compile commands on newer releases. But
on the older releases [presumably that way on v5r4], the CRTxxxPGM must
have explicitly specified that the compiled code will be allowed to utilize
Teraspace storage by using Storage Model (STGMDL) specification of
*TERASPACE instead of the [default specification of] *SNGLVL. And if the
compile is not explicitly set [or the defaults changed] to allow the
Teraspace Storage Model, then the teraspace methods will return the null
result, as was seen.

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