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Every meter at our coop reads every day electronically and the data made available to us via the web (using Domino no less!) So they can easily know if we're using power in a suspicious way!

In fact they compare the total on the line at the substation in real time with the total of all meters on that line. If they don't match they go find the cheater. Last one they published was an electrical inspector who wired around his meter to heat his garage with electric heat. The penalty is to pay the maximum amount he COULD have used since the last formal inspection of his meter. Tens of Thousands US$!!

Fortunately our Coop uses IBM i on Power and I do their system maintenance so when they asked about my power usage they said: "Well yeah that makes sense." :-)

- Larry "DrFranken" Bolhuis


On 12/15/2014 8:24 AM, rob@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

In our area if you are listed as a residence yet consume too much
electricity then you may notice you're being monitored by the police
because of suspicion of using grow lights in your basement to grow

Rob Berendt

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