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Not so weird... because as I had alluded, one can not safely _assume_ what will be established upon the connection. I ignored the origin, mostly because *knowing why* can be effectively moot, requiring one to just "deal with it" regardless of origin. One possible origin for a change, for example, other than the CHGFTPA to which others have pointed, is "the LISTFMT and NAMEFMT settings for specific FTP sessions using an exit program for the TCPL0200 format or TCPL0300 format of the FTP server logon exit point."
IBM i 7.1 Information Center -> Networking -> TCP/IP applications, protocols, and services -> FTP -> Configuring the FTP server on i5/OS
_i Configuring FTP servers for graphical FTP clients and Web tools i_
"File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers on the i5/OS® operating system support graphical FTP clients, Web browsers, and other Web tools. Because most graphical FTP clients use the UNIX-style format as their list format and path file as their file name format, you need to configure your FTP server to support these formats.

Regards, Chuck

On 03 Jun 2013 09:59, B Hamren wrote:
<<SNIP>> we know we can do that, but it seems weird that the default
for one user switched for no reason.

What he has taken to do is to do his FTPing from PROD01 to TEST01
and doing a GET with a (replace rather than a PUT going the other

On 03 Jun 2013 09:45, CRPence wrote:

On 03 Jun 2013 09:25, B Hamren wrote:
I cannot find a way to change it so that he comes up with current
library of QGPL and NAMEFMT of 0 when going from TEST01 to PROD01.

Any suggestions? <<SNIP>>

Ignoring the issue origin <<SNIP>>
Because the naming format is not always guaranteed to remain the
same, IMO the best way to deal with the issue of a naming format
established as other than what is desired, is to learn to deal with
it. <<SNIP>>

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