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:-) He used, RPGLE, a panel, some CL and a command.

Others pointed out where to find the code : on the Think400.dk web site among others and I have it now.

Thanks to all!

I do think I'll try and get this working in CL, but since Carsten filled the real need at V5R4, I'll do it at V7 and use some of the newer enhancements in CL given to us by Guy Vig and the folks in Rochester.......

Jim Oberholtzer
Chief Technical Architect
Agile Technology Architects

On 11/21/2011 12:35 PM, Vern Hamberg wrote:
I bet he didn't use CL!

I haven't done any DSPF processing in CL in a really long time, so I
didn't include that in the sample code I sent for calling the API. Of
course, if you get Carsten's code, it's probably all over but for the
fat lady singing.


On 11/21/2011 12:22 PM, Jim Oberholtzer wrote:
> As I suspected, the heavy lifting has already been done, in this case by
> Carsten Flensburg. In his article in System i News, APIs By Example:
> Manage Journal Receivers posted October 2004, he presents a command
> MNGJRNRCV. Based on my quick once over, it looks like this is nearly
> perfect. I have the System i Network Resources library CDs (several of
> them) but I don't find that specific source on them. Furthermore when I
> click on the link on the article (number 60975) the URL is not there.
> Anyone know where I might find the code he wrote?
> Jim Oberholtzer
> Chief Technical Architect
> Agile Technology Architects
> On 11/21/2011 10:14 AM, Vern Hamberg wrote:
>> And Jim
>> Just fill in&jrnrcvnam and&jrnrcvlib with what you get in your list
>> for each call - the qualified-name parameter then is constructed
>> automagically.
>> Vern
>> On 11/21/2011 8:29 AM, Jim Oberholtzer wrote:
>>>> Gary,
>>>> Good thought but I don't need to ask the remote systems to send me
>>>> anything, the local (main) system has all the information needed. The
>>>> API Retrieve Journal Information will retrieve everything. Getting a
>>>> list of the journal receivers is as easy as you suggest.
>>>> Since my target audience for this function are administrators, most of
>>>> whom have little or no experience in RPG of any flavor I was hoping to
>>>> do the entire process in CL. (This is also partly due to my own
>>>> extraordinarily rusty RPG skills) At this moment it looks doable. And
>>>> before the chorus starts, yes, it would much faster and better to manage
>>>> in RPG with subfiles and all, even better in COBOL but the concept of
>>>> getting in done in CL is just appealing to me, so let's not have a
>>>> discussion about the better place to do it.
>>>> Now, does anyone have an example of calling the Remote Journal
>>>> Information API in CL?
>>>> Once I get the project done, I'll post to open source.
>>>> Jim Oberholtzer
>>>> Chief Technical Architect
>>>> Agile Technology Architects
>>>> On 11/18/2011 3:46 PM, Monnier, Gary wrote:
>>>>>> Jim,
>>>>>> Can you can use a series of SBMRMTCMD/RUNRMTCMD commands to run
>>>>>> something like the following?
>>>>>> Run a command or call a program that utilizes the
>>>>>> Retrieve Journal Information (QjoRetrieveJournalInformation) API and
>>>>>> puts the info
>>>>>> into a table (MYTMPLIB/RMTJRNINFO). You will probably have to have this
>>>>>> installed. SNTNETF of a save file might do the trick.
>>>>>> SOMEADR))
>>>>>> So now you have a list of all the remote journals and their attributes
>>>>>> on the remote system.
>>>>>> An idea anyway.
>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From:midrange-l-bounces+gary.monnier=terex.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> [mailto:midrange-l-bounces+gary.monnier=terex.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On
>>>>>> Behalf Of Jim Oberholtzer
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 12:20 PM
>>>>>> To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
>>>>>> Subject: List remote journals and the status
>>>>>> Does any have a program (green screen) or know of a way to list all the
>>>>>> remote journals and their status on the remote system in one panel. I
>>>>>> know I can display each ones attributes and use the appropriate F key to
>>>>>> get there but I was hoping for a more time effective solution. Must be
>>>>>> V5R4 at this point.
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Jim Oberholtzer
>>>>>> Chief Technical Architect
>>>>>> Agile Technology Architects
>>>>>> --

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