× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Another option might be to use Job Accounting...



On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 6:24 PM, bll1981 <bll1981@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Business is looking for a way to monitor all jobs on our systems. An external
batch group wants records of all our job start and completion message data. The
only central place I know of where this can be collected is the history log
(filtered by CPF1124:CPF1164). Problem with the hist log is that its not
available in pure database form or I am not aware of it without writing some HLL
program. I have experimented with the convert history log TAA tool, and it
essentially does what we need. However, this means I must conglomerate and sync
up this data on close to 100 partitions. Question: Any alternative suggestions
for collecting this data from a central location? Something like a recurring
QHST poll, not a point in time build. I am not a developer, but for those that
are do you have any suggestions or knowledge of a JT400 class that can access
history log data from a remote source (not an iSeries of course)? My preference
would be the easiest way to either retrieve this data remotely from a central
source, or retrieve/convert it locally to a database file that could be accessed
remotely via ODBC or sent via NDM etc. One of the goals was to do this without
serious programming or employment of a 3rd party product. At this point I am
open to third party prods that might do this however I am doubtful any exist. Of
course there are many vendors that read the QHST log for security information
and other events, but not a blanket over any submitted job, I would think?
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