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Well any 10xx code means power and/or SPCN loop issues. In this case the 840D says your SPCN loop is messed up. (You mention 804d and 840d but 804d isn't valid) Hitch is that from your description you don't have an SPCN Loop (i.e. port J15 on the back isn't connected.)

As to the cable on the 2763 it MUST be at the back of the card (closest to the frame of the machine) or it won't IPL. Seems unlikely that this would produce the 1011 840D but I guess it could.

One thing I would be VERY careful about when pulling the RAID card with a questionable battery is that I absolutly did a normal power off and wait to be certain the green light is no longer blinking or you risk cache data loss and could toast the system ASP.

As to the battery failing like that? Yep seen it plenty. Had one just a few weeks ago that showed over 300 days to warning one day and flat died the next day. That's an actual battery failure. Remember the days counter is just a good estimate of how long the battery should be reliable, it's not actually dead at that point by IBM marks it so because it's deemed no longer reliable.

- Larry "DrFranken" Bolhuis

9/21/2010 8:36 PM, Vern Hamberg wrote:
Hi - need some counsel. We have a 270 with a 2763 RAID card. It
reported the battery in error - it was replaced maybe in April. It
reports 142 days used, 0 to error. That seemed really strange to be so

I thought I'd just take it out and put the card back in. The first time,
I didn't disconnect the battery pack. When I started the machine, I got
a 1011 804D SRC, which is something about a VPD mismatch - looking
farther, I see it is about processor 4 - this doesn't have more than 1

Now I did disconnect the cable to the card - there are two connections
there - I reconnected to the connector nearer the end of the card, at
the back of the machine. I actually forget which it was in - should it
be on the connector more toward the center of the card? Only one cable,
by the way.

So do we maybe have a bad 2763? Or just a bad battery pack and have to
get another?

When I get the 1011 840D I have just pressed the white power button, and
it proceeds nicely to IPL and starts everything - albeit VERRRRY slowly!

Thanks for any help

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