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So many variables:
Others have asked for some of them, but not all.
Odd sizes cause problems, especially if host print transform.
Would be better (if possible) to define the length, and a standard
width, so that lpi and cpi "fit".
Is rotate or *cor on?
tractor or laser - & what hardware this is & how configured.
Internal config on the printer itself? What is it emulating & what are it's settings.
crtprtf parms?

have you looked at wscst (workstation customization object) which lets you
define customized settings for your printer (reduced margins)
There is a manual avail for download on Printer Device Programming (or some similar name).
There a multiple Redbooks for Printing that describe many situations.
And finally, there is a ptf group for printing - 99347 for v5r4
I (and others) have fought this battle many times - and it usually involves
laying out all the various parms for every piece of this puzzle..
Jim Franz
----- Original Message ----- From: "James Rich" <james@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "midrange-l" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 3:08 PM
Subject: Print file prints too low

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to print cards on an odd sized paper. The paper is 6 inches
wide by 12 inches tall. The print keeps missing the paper, both too far
left and too far down. I've been able to fix the horizontal alignment by
adjusting the margin setting in CRTPRTF. But the vertical alignment is
too low and there doesn't appear to be a way to raise the print above row
1. the top margin can only be increase (moving the print even lower), not
decreased less than zero (which would raise it up like we need). Any
experience or ideas that would help?

James Rich

if you want to understand why that is, there are many good books on
the design of operating systems. please pass them along to redmond
when you're done reading them :)
- Paul Davis on ardour-dev
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