× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

From a PowerPoint I have regarding WWTS. The PPT, which would be
current as of August 2008, also contains a 1 paragraph description of
each module.

I don't see anything in the file that says I can't share the info, so
if you want a copy of the full 420K PPT send me an off-list email.

Released WWTS modules:
ATK - Systematic Attack
BAS - Base
BRM - BRMS Enhancements
BUN - Business Use Notice
CFM - Command Confirmation
CMD – Command
CWM – Centralized WWTS Management
EDM - MQ Monitoring for SMU
HBT - Heartbeat
HCS - Daily Health Check
HOT - Hot Profile Management
HSK - Housekeeping
INS - Installer
JBA - Job Accounting
MAM - Message & Alert Management
MCM - Message Configuration Management
MIA - Manage Inactive Users
MNU – Menu (Operations)
ORT - Object Registry Tool
PFR - Performance Reporting
PTF - PTF Management
PWP - Password Propagation
PWV - Password Validation
QHC - Quarterly Health Check
RFM - Restricted Function Manager
RID - Reset User ID
RMT - Remote Access
RSM - Remote System Monitoring
SCC - Security Compliance Check
SCR - Scripting
SIR - System Information Retrieval
SMU - System Monitoring Utility
SNC – Synchronize (Hub)
SNR - Secure Network Request
SWT - Switch (Hub)
TIV - Tivoli Enablement
UAA - User Action Auditing
UID - Profile Administration
URT – User Revalidation Tool
XTR - Data Extractor

Planned modules:
AVL - Availability
CSR - Centralized Scheduled Reports
DDM - DDM Monitoring
FTP - FTP Monitoring
NEW - News
PRF - Profile Management
SIT – System Information Tool
TCP - TCP Monitoring

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:02 AM, <ldwopt@xxxxxxx> wrote:
After pushing my sales engineer for more information from the IBM tech manager, it seems that some people in IBM use this tool but it is no longer commercially available to the public.
Continuing to to use Bytware
---- rob@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
How does this compare with IBM Director?

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755

09/15/2009 09:14 AM
What is IBM WWTS?
Sent by:

IBM WWTS (World Wide Tool Set)
System administration/monitoring security

From what little information I have received and have been able to find on
IBM’s web site, the tool set is a modular based admin/monitoring package.
You have to have product BAS (base). Then you can add other modules as
needed such as: ATK (reviews system audit journal), BRM (self
explanatory), Bun (business use notice--- security compliance requires
that a business use notice be posted during the signon process), HBT
(heartbeat), HCS (Daily health check—allows security administrator to
track amd report security related incidents), MAM(message and alert
Management), PFR (performance  like PM400), PTF (PTF management).  This is
just a sample of the modules available.

If you want the complete list let me know off line and I can send you the
complete list.
I currently use Bytware for messaging, PM400 and a set of tools I have
developed over the years to help do my job. This package appears to be
able to replace many of these items.
My main question is and I am trying to find the answer, WHAT IS THE COST?

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