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Actually I had a problem this morning with the CPYFRMIMPF command and
there is not PTF for V5R4.
You need to create a data area with this info, which fixed the problem.

crtdtaara qsys/qcpfrmimpf *char 'CPV5R2'
This was causing zeros to be placed in the file instead of blanks.
Support Line says this was fixed in i6.1


Carl Novit
Vice President
FRS, Inc.
843.720.7436 ext.7708


Scott Klement <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
11/10/2008 01:13 PM
Please respond to
Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: Problem with CPYFRMIMPF

Externally defined files can have different CCSIDs on each individual
field. Have you looked at those?

Also, there were problems with CPYTOIMPF (relating to CCSID) at the time
V5R3 was released. Are you up-to-date on PTFs?

You may want to verify that your job's CCSID is not 65535 (*HEX).

Harvell, Joel wrote:
Oops sorry about that, it is the CPYTOIMPF

I get CPF2845 -- The copy did not complete for reason code 1.

The CCSID = 37 on the file, I'm copying on both systems. The file I'm
coping from is an Externally Described file.

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