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Turn off auto config and create a device description for the printer.
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get there. Run your VPN site to site instead of through your PC.

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of c sl
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 6:56 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: TwinAx Connection Problem only at Manual modes

hi there,

any advise would of great help ..

--- On Tue, 4/11/08, c sl <ai_fans@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: c sl <ai_fans@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: TwinAx Connection Problem only at Manual modes
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tuesday, 4 November, 2008, 11:00 AM

hi there,

i come across this somewhat odd case with a 820 machine.

It was successfully booted into D>M by my colleague and was scratched
up to only OS level. i then continued with installation of Licensed

1. In B>N mode, no problem with twinax connection & console display :-

The server was initially in B>N mode,but it was found to have the
issue of user ID locked during sign-on, after the exisitng twinax
controller at the back of system unit connected to the 8-port twinax
(MUX?) box.

2. In B>M or D>M, everytime IPL into either of these
2 manual modes, always the console seemed unable to obtain signal from

the existing twinax controller,with attention light at display panel.

Already set console to Address 0, Port 0.

3. After replacing a twinax controller at the back of system unit,
console display back to normal when IPL into manual modes.

my concerns are :-

- Why a 'intermittent-faulty' (is this the right
word to say?) twinax controller would caused attention light
& caused no signal to be transmitted to console ?

- How are the detailed IPL process at Manual mode (Attended
IPL) ?

hope u could shed some lights .. thx a lot..

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