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This last time, after the dynamic lpar (via the HMC was done) I tried to
vary TAPMLB04 on and it told me to try a reset. So I tried a reset with
the vary on and it told me again to try a reset.
So I fired up STRSST.
1. Start a service tool
7. Hardware service manager
1. Packaging hardware resources (systems, frames, cards,...)
9=Hardware contained within package
Type- Resource
Opt Description Model Unit ID Name
System 9408-M25 U9408.M25.10C2091 SYS01
9 System Expansion Unit + 5790-001 U5790.001.14418A2 FR01
Virtual Backplane + < 268C-001 U9408.M25.10C2091 P17
Tape Library 3576-05B SD001

3=Concurrent maintenance
Type- Resource
Opt Description Model Name Location
System Expansion Unit 5790-001 FR01
Backplane 282A P04 P1
3 Combined Function IOP 2844-001 P23 P1-C4
Storage IOA 280D-001 P24 P1-C5
HSL I/O Bridge 28FF P05 P1-C7

Then I used F9=Power off domain
Opt Description Type-Model Status Position
Combined Function IOP > 2844-001 On P1-C4
Storage IOA 280D-001 On P1-C5

When that was done I used
F10=Power on domain
and 7=Assign for the 280D card.

Easily repeatable (for someone who has no fear of ripping out cards on
their boxes live) but a tad daunting for the backup person.

After all this, I could vary on the device and carry on.

Apparently not a normal situation because before I got started with the
SST IBM called me and reported that my 2844 reported an error.

Rob Berendt

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