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That is actually a feature I would pay for and a perfect one for IBM to ask
people to pay for (i.e. it didn't have a previous life in the SEU/PDM

IBM also just bought Cognos (BI and OLAP I believe?). They are filling
their quiver with vendor products and creating competition with business

Aaron Bartell

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of rob@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 7:55 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Shouldn't WDSC include SCM? was: Automate source code backup to SVN

There's a lot of SCM vendors out there that are glad that WDSC does not
"include" it.
There's little incentive for IBM to include this. Let's face it, if IBM
included that in their "advanced" edition of WDSC, at the increased price,
would that be the straw that caused a lot of people to upgrade to
advanced? Or, would we get the uproar that we got with the preview of the
new screen designer? Or, once again, how IBM should include WDSC at no
charge to anyone so they can develop applications and thus sell more iron?
If IBM included it at no charge it would only raise their expenses, and
royally vex several SCM vendors.

IBM bought a HA vendor. However, I don't see an immediate assimilation of
that company and HA now becoming a mere option to 57##SS1 or some such
thing. (Although I've argued for years that customers would like to see
such a vital issue tightly integrated and closely supported by IBM).

Rob Berendt

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