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Are the two that are working IPDS? Most likely so, but the Ethernet one
is not. You may have to add the IPDS

Chris Bipes
Director of Information Services
CrossCheck, Inc.

707.586.0551, ext. 1102
707.585.5700 FAX

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-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dee Westerfield
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 7:34 PM
To: Midrange LIST
Subject: Configuring p5210 Printronix printer

I currently have 2 p5215 printronix printers that are twinax attached to
my iseries running V5R3. We decided to purchase a p5210 printronix
printer that will be ethernet attached to do the same type of printing.

I have tried configuring the p5210 as a rmtoutq and also as a *lan
device, neither of which has worked. I have fould the printers on the
ASCII printers support page from IBM.

The printer has printed, but bar codes are coming out as straight text,
lpi and cpi are ignored, page spacing and skipping is incorrect. I
obviously do not have this setup correctly.

This printer will be in a remote location, needs to print bar code
(IGP/VGL printing) and just plain old ordinary green bar reports.

If anyone has already done this and has it working, could you point me
in the right direction. I think I have configuration issues on both the
printer and iseries side.

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