× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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Hey Elvis!

That works, but the beauty of using QMQRY is that you easily get the option of 
output types - *, *PRINT, or *OUTFILE. That is harder to do with RPG, 
especially *OUTFILE.

Buck and I had some good discussion on this stuff several years ago - I never 
forget - heh! There are problems with the SETVAR stuff - losing and gaining 
white space unexpectedly, etc. I've since done a version for our products that 
does it really well - none of the old problems - it only took a few years to 
work it out!

If people want to use the SETVAR thing, try this hint - don't leave any blank 
space at the end of any row of replacement variables - and the SRCDTA is 79 
characters. I think that will help some of the problems. That is not the 
solution I used, BTW - company secret!!

And you CAN use variables that are both upper and lower - &A can be different 
from &a - just use appropriate apostrophes in the SETVAR where you give the 
name of the variable. The manual says otherwise but is wrong.

As to the question, did IBM intend we do this? Sure - why not? It's been a long 
time-honored technique.

The other matter - of the length of the SETVAR data - there is a lot of stuff 
in QM that uses a limit of 55 - this is a cross-platform technology, after all 
- it runs on lots of mainframes, too, so who knows where but the architecture 
has to cover a multitude of sins. I mean, where in the world does that record 
length of 91 for the source file come from? And the 162 record length for 
forms? Sheesh!!


-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Elvis Budimlic" <ebudimlic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 

You mean like: 

exec sql execute immediate :myStmt; 

Celebrating 10-Years of SQL Performance Excellence 

-----Original Message----- 

Any thoughts before I take the dive? 

- Dan 

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