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On 15/02/2006, at 9:55 AM, Ron-Zimmerman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

That is exactly what one of the vendors in question does.  When you
install their software, it will give you a 30 day grace period.

What I am unsure of is how and when that grace period starts.  Does the
grace period start as soon as the software is loaded on the machine or
does it start the first time a user signs on to that software?

Depends. If they are using the IBM Software Product APIs then it is 30 days from first use. Actually first licence request so presuming they don't request a licence during install but only when the software is started or run or used then first it's effectively use.

Also, is that 30 calendar days or is it 30 days of usage? In this case, I
think it's 30 calendar days, so once we are past that 30 day window, we
will need to get a new key from the vendor.

Again, if using the IBM Software Product APIs then it is 30 calendar days.

Note that once this grace period has expired it's gone for good. It's not renewed with another licence key. It can only be reset by a scratch install (or for the brave by messing with the licence repository).

Simon Coulter.
   FlyByNight Software         AS/400 Technical Specialists

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