× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

The link helps doesnt it?


-----Original Message-----
From: "John Taylor" <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 18:10:01 -0600
Subject: 520 Installation Problems

> Folks,
> I'm attempting a customer (that'd be me) install of a new 520 with some
> optional feature cards, and getting nowhere fast. Neither the machine
> nor
> the parts shipped with any kind of i5/OS related installation
> instructions,
> but I did get:
>    1) a 500 page Safety Manual
>    2) AIX installation instructions for a 5703 SCSI card
> Gee.. thanks IBM.
> Anway, the base machine included the following components:
> 4 - 4326 Disk Units (35.16 GB)
> 1 - 2844 IOP
> 1 - 2746 Twinax IOA
> 1 - 9793 WAN IOA
> I'm trying to install the additional features:
> 1 - 6594 4-Disk Expansion cage
> 1 - 5703 PCI-X RAID controller
> 1 - 5702 PCI-X Tape controller
> 1 - 2844 PCI IOP
> The original PCI card positions were as follows:
> C1 - empty
> C2 - empty
> C3 - 9793 WAN
> C4 - empty
> C5 - 2746 Twinax 
> C6 - 2844 IOP
> Using what little documentation I could find at the Infocenter, I came
> up
> with the following changes to the card positions:
> C1 - 2844 IOP
> C2 - 2746 Twinax 
> C3 - 9793 WAN
> C4 - 5702 Tape Controller
> C5 - 5703 Raid Adapter
> C6 - 2844 IOP
> I installed the cards in the new positions, installed the disk cage & 4
> additional disks, and connected the new disk cage to controller 0 of
> the
> 5703 adapter, using the supplied SCSI cable.
> The end result is that I can't IPL into DST. The machine is not finding
> the
> workstation controller (SRC A6005001).
> If anyone out there has some decent reference manuals, could you please
> take
> a quick look at my card assignments to see if something is amiss?
> Thank you,
> John Taylor
> -- 
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