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I don't think that iNav for Wireless has the capability to answer
messages, but we're still running this on V5R2 and they add new
capabilities with every release.  You can monitor and send messages to a
pager or cell using the Management Central monitors, you don't need iNav
for Wireless at all.  At V5R3 I think you can answer messages using
iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web, but I'm not familiar with this yet.

You CAN send and reply to messages using the Sametime Event Monitor,




You must have Lotus Sametime Server 3.0 or above, OS/400 V5R1 or later,
and JDK 1.3 or above.

iSeries Navigator for Wireless does give you the ability to view job
statuses and Hold/Release/End jobs, as well as submit commands from any
browser or web-enabled cell phone.

You can get more info about iNav for Wireless at:

The biggest problem we had was with setting this up to support SSL and a
reverse proxy.  Verizon only supports ports 80 and 443 on its network so
we had to change all of the iNav for Wireless default ports.  PTF
SI18037 is the latest for this and adds support for relative links to
solve these issues.

Oh, and it's "No additional charge."

Scott Ingvaldson
iSeries System Administrator
GuideOne Insurance Group

-----Original Message-----
date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 14:37:34 -0700 (PDT)
from: Matt Gross <prrgg1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: iSeries Navigator for Wireless

I'm posting this for a friend.  Does anyone have experience with
implementing/using iSeries for Wireless - monitoring/responding to
system messages via a cell phone?  He's at V5R2.  He's looked at
ByteWare and wants to investigate this as a possible solution.

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