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I don't think you can do this. You can use the SST (substring) function to trim out a portion of a field; I do that all of the time. But I think it has to have another name; such as:

A IVCTLG A BRAND I SST(IVDESC 1 4) A IVQS A IVCSTS where the 'IV' fields are data fields in my item master, but 'BRAND' is the first two positions of the item's description.

        * Jerry C. Adams
*iSeries/i5 Programmer/Analyst
B&W Wholesale Distributors, Inc.* *
        jerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Douglas W. Palme wrote:

I have a PF with a field name of ILNINV#A which is 2 characters in length, however I need to trim it in my logical to just the FIRST CHARACTER, can I specify the length in the logical to just 1 character and if that will work will it in fact only the trailing character?

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