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A similar explanation is found in the documentation for the CALL statement at V5R1 - and CALL is not restricted to embedded. E.g., CALL QCMDEXC is fair game even in interactive SQL. And most 400 programs have INOUT parameters - anything in CL certainly does - might be exceptions now at V5R3 - but anything you pass that gets changed in the called program has the new value when you return to the caller.

At 07:18 PM 7/22/2005, you wrote:

I could've sworn that the last time I looked into this, a program object needed to be defined to DB2 as a stored procedure _only_ if parm values were to be returned. I.e., if all parms were IN only, then you could CALL a program as if it had been declared as a stored procedure.

But the V5R3 InfoCenter says that:

"A static CALL statement without a corresponding CREATE PROCEDURE statement is processed with the following rules:

    * All host variable arguments are treated as INOUT type parameters.
    * The CALL type is GENERAL (no indicator argument is passed).
* The program to call is determined based on the procedure name specified on the CALL, and, if necessary, the naming convention. * The language of the program to call is determined based on information retrieved from the system about the program."

That's from Database-> Programming-> SQL programming-> Routines-> Stored procedures-> Using embedded CALL statement where no procedure definition exists.

Ummm... so in V5R3, pretty much every program object is open for a remote (or local only?) SQL CALL assuming authority is appropriate and you treat all parms as INOUT?

There are some obvious snags, but..... huh??? How long has this been so?

Tom Liotta

Tom Liotta
The PowerTech Group, Inc.
19426 68th Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032
Phone  253-872-7788 x313
Fax    253-872-7904

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