× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

What would one of these tracks be?  APICS classes and certification?  Toss
in a couple of the classes offered by Munson and that genre.  And maybe an
Intro to Lotus, Query/400.  And some general classes like RFID.

To All:

I would agree that we need to focus more on "user group" type topics as
well, however there is a second question that needs to be asked.  Since
there is a finite number of rooms, therefore session slots available at
COMMON, what would you replace with the new content?  Check out the grid on
the COMMON web site and let me (and the CET/SME folks) know what you would
do.  Also, we did offer the introductory stuff like Query, Lotus, etc. but
attendance was so low on many of those sessions we had to drop them in
favor of more popular topics.    New technology topics also are great
topics, however because attendance is so low on many of them, we have to
temper the type and quantity of sessions we do there.  The best way to
affect what is being presented is to come to COMMON and vote with your
feet.  Attend the sessions you like, and make sure to fill out the
evaluation forms to let us know what you would want presented.  As always,
contact me off list if you would like to.

Jim Oberholtzer

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