× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hello Charles,

What hardware do you have?

Model 270 w/2249 (I think) CPU. Though, DSPSYSVAL QPRCFEAT shows 22A2. I think it has 512mb of RAM. I skipped V5R1 and upgraded straight from V4R5 to V5R2, and never saw any performance decrease. The upgrade from V5R2 to V5R3 however has made a big difference.

Scott Klement  http://www.scottklement.com

On Fri, 20 May 2005, Wilt, Charles wrote:

I saw a significant decrease in performance after moving from v5r1 to v5r2 on a model 400 at my last position.

IBM determine that basically I was SOL as the OS had been optimized for the newer hardware. Luckily, the move to v5r2 was just in preparation for the install of a new 270.

Charles Wilt
iSeries Systems Administrator / Developer
Mitsubishi Electric Automotive America
ph: 513-573-4343
fax: 513-398-1121

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Scott Klement
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 4:35 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: V5R3 Performance Issue


We installed V5R3 a couple of weeks ago. Since then one of
our nightly
critical path jobs has more than doubled in run time.

I know I'm joining this discussion late (I haven't been able to keep up with e-mail this week) but I just wanted to say that I've been having similar experiences with V5R3.

Since upgrading from V5R2 to V5R3, pretty much everything on
the system is
slower.  I don't mean just SQL or just database -- pretty
much everything
is slower.

I suspect that my problem is lack of memory -- that V5R2 used
less memory
than V5R3 and that the difference happened to matter on my
machine, since
I haven't heard anyone else opine that V5R3 is slower.

Unfortunately, I've been too busy to find that out for sure.
If you come
up with a good solution to your speed problems, please post
them here. I'd
be interested to see what you learn...

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