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Yep, seems busted. It can't even find OS/400 or Program. I'm sure those terms are in there someplace....

- Larry

Kruse, Kat wrote:

All the searches I've done today keep returning "No matches found..."

And that's for something as simple as PRTDSKINF parameters.

Kat Kruse IT Engineer Qualcomm, Inc. kkruse@xxxxxxxxxxxx (858) 845-0014

Larry Bolhuis IBM eServer Certified Systems Expert:
Vice President iSeries Technical Solutions V5R3
Arbor Solutions, Inc. iSeries LPAR Technical Solutions V5R3
1345 Monroe NW Suite 259 iSeries Linux Technical Solutions V5R3
Grand Rapids, MI 49505 iSeries Windows Integration Technical Solutions V5R3
IBM eServer Certified Systems Specialist
(616) 451-2500 iSeries System Administrator for OS/400 V5R3
(616) 451-2571 - Fax AS/400 RPG IV Developer
(616) 260-4746 - Cell iSeries System Command Operations V5R2

If you can read this, thank a teacher....and since it's in English, thank a soldier.

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