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US$95 is the IBM list price in the price configurator.  $200 is pure 
extortion.  I'd raise he** with IBM Direct and refuse to pay.  I hope 
someone raises this fiasco at Sound Off at COMMON in Toronto.


"Cox, Joe" <joecox@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
2004/10/12 13:22

"Midrange Systems Technical Discussion" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

RE: UPS Signal Cable Problems with i5

That's the one I'm talking about.  Feature #1827, Part #97P4299.  I got
it Friday.  It's 6" long DB9 female on both ends.  I haven't got the
billing yet but IBM direct quoted over $200 plus freight.

I didn't know when I ordered it that the cable was worthless without the
non-existent PTF. 

I'm a little miffed right now and would like to know what part of IBM is
selling the cable for US$90 or US$95.



-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Neil Palmer/DPS
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 10:35 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: RE: UPS Signal Cable Problems with i5

The specific cable I am referring to is the 6" long "gender bender", 
Feature code #1827, called the "Serial-UPS Conversion Cable".  IBM sells

it for CDN$150 and I believe it's US$90 or US$95.  No rush tp buy it
as my understanding is there won't be a PTF that makes it work for
weeks yet.


"Cox, Joe" <joecox@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
2004/10/09 10:41

Where can you get the cable for $90?  I was just quoted over $200 from
IBM direct.

Joe Cox
Director Information Systems
MSU Foundation Inc.
1501 S 11th Avenue
Bozeman, MT  59717
(406) 994-2416

Not only that, the price IBM is charging for this #1827 "Serial-UPS 
Conversion Cable" is nothing short of obscene.  It's CDN$150, and I
around US$90.  THEY made the change to the UPS serial port, THEY should 
supply a free cable on all orders for the new 5xx boxes.  And
what they're charging for it, it's appalling that there is still no PTF 
available (yet) to make it work properly.


Al Barsa <barsa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
2004/10/06 18:19


The UPS signal cable port on the back of the system, which for years has
been labeled as J14 has always been a female port.  It turns out that on
the 520 and 570 (I haven't seen a 550 yet) it is obviously labeled T1
now it's male!

Come on, give me a break.  So when you shell out for your new i5, you
have to purchase a gender bender (obviously not included) to change your
signal cable port from male to female.

Was anyone thinking?


Al Barsa, Jr.
Barsa Consulting Group, LLC


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