× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

We received a CPF3836 which caused a CPF3848 which caused a CPF3773.  An
authorization list was specified on the file.  The authorization on the new
system existed, was not locked, and the user had authority to the
authorization list.  It appears that restoring to a different system does
not always give the CPF3848.
If an authorization list is not specified on the file saved, a CPF3848 will
not be issued if restoring to a different system.  It appears it knows it
is a different system by serial number, not system name.  I did a test of
this from our production machine to development and confirmed this.  If an
authorization list was specified on the file being saved, CPF3848 would be
issued and eventually CPF3773.  No authorization list gave the normal
restore message.  That explains why some save files issued the messages and
some did not.  It seems like it is a bug and should be more consistent.
Why does it matter whether there is an authorization list or not when
restoring to a different system?

** Mike wrote:
What are the other messages in the Log? I think you'll get this message if
there were authority or ownership changes on any of the Objects that were
Restored. The CPF3773 message is basically telling you that something else
happened that needs to be looked at. The Second Level Text for this message
even says:

The count of objects not restored may include objects that were restored
require some additional recovery action. Diagnostic messages were issued
those objects.

So set the Logging Level on the Restore so that you'll see everything and
then hunt through the log for those Diagnostic messages that will give you
some clues as to what's going on.


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