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Maybe "OS/400 Expert" will have the best
longevity and clarity, especially given the move
to put non-OS/400 operating systems on 
some LPARs.

Peace, Milt 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Booth Martin 
  To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 12:20 PM
  Subject: +++++> What do you tell folks you work on?

  What do you tell folks you work on?

  I need to print some business cards and I used to have "Programming for the
  iSeries" on the card.  But that isn't the name anymore is it?

  What are others saying in their resumes, interviews, and correspondence?  
  By using "AS/400" one is clear but perhaps dating oneself; displaying an
  attitude of stubborness and unwillingness to move forward?  By saying 
  iSeries" one is apparently just plain wrong.  By saying "ieis 5" or what
  ever is the new moniker one starts to look nerdy.

  It would be helpful to me to read the comments of others.  What say you?

  Booth Martin
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