× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

On 22 Apr 2004 at 13:07, John Earl wrote:

> First rule - any user with *SPLCTL special authority can get to every
> spooled report in every out queue.  Game over.  If you don't want
> someone to see a report make sure that they don't have *SPLCTL.

No prob. All users have no special authorities and are set to lmtcpb *yes.
> Second Rule - A user with *ALLOBJ special authority can achieve *SPLCTL
> Special Authority in two seconds.  See rule 1.

No prob. We trust the people that have *allobj.
> Third Rule - A user with *JOBCTL special authority can get to any spool
> file in any out queue where the out queue is defined as OPRCTL(*YES).
> The purpose of the OPRCTL(*YES) parameter is to allow system operators
> who have *JOBCTL Special Authority to bypass the object and out queue
> authorities.  If you don't want someone to see what's in an out queue,
> make sure that either A) they don't have *JOBCTL and/or B) the out queue
> is defined as OPRCTL(*NO)

See above 2 replies. 

> Whew!  There is more, but go grab the Security Reference Guide and I
> think you can muscle through it from there.

I'll sure take a look. But from what you say, my security concept should work 
our standard users. 



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