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What's the point then of releasing a ptf as immediate if it requires any 
of the following:
- You must bring the system into a restricted state.
- You must end TCP/IP
- Or, in the olden days, you must vary off/on all twinaxial controllers.
Depending you your situation, you might as well have to apply it delayed.

Rob Berendt
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." 
Benjamin Franklin 

qsrvbas@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Tom Liotta)
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
04/14/2003 04:33 PM
Please respond to Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
        To:     midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
        Fax to: 
        Subject:        RE: Immediate PTF -- What's the point?


Please review the cover letter for V5R2 5722SS1-SI08258. Although the PTF 
can be applied immediate or delayed, there are explicit "ACTIVATION 
INSTRUCTIONS:" that effectively cause this to be a delayed PTF even if 
applied immediate. And I did in fact apply it immediate.

My question was about the point of IBM's releasing this as allowing 
immediate even though an IPL was still needed. Overall, I wasn't so much 
complaining as simply trying to get ideas about why IBM did it this way.

I.e., What's the point?

Tom Liotta

midrange-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>   9. Re: Immediate PTF -- What's the point? (Al Barsa)
>I've been watching this thread, and this statement is incorrect.
>At 08:17 PM 4/7/2003, you wrote:
>>    If this PTF is applied as an immediate PTF, an IPL of the system is
>> required to activate this PTF.

Tom Liotta
The PowerTech Group, Inc.
19426 68th Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032
Phone  253-872-7788 x313
Fax    253-872-7904

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