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Check your card configuration.  I seem to remember that on the 170 the card
you are attaching the operations console to has to be in a particular slot.
Also you need the 2 port WAN, cannot remember the card number, not the 4
port twinax /w 1 port WAN, which it sounds like you have.

Christopher K. Bipes          mailto:Chris.Bipes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Operations & Network Mgr  mailto:Chris_Bipes@xxxxxxxxx
CrossCheck, Inc.                http://www.cross-check.com
6119 State Farm Drive         Phone: 707 586-0551 x 1102
Rohnert Park CA  94928      Fax: 707 586-1884

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-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Maynard [mailto:jmaynard@xxxxxxxxxxx]

I've gone through the switching steps in the documentation several times
now. If I IPL with my twinax terminals powered down, I get an A6005004 SRC;
if I IPL with them turned on, the first one becomes the system console, even
after getting into DST and telling it to switch to Operations Console
(direct connection). The OC screen on the Windows 2000 PC shows that it's
connecting to the AS/400, but nothing ever comes up on the 5250 session.
What do I do now? I'm outta answers. This is a 170 running V5R1; I've got
the console cable, but not the remote control cable, so I'm only doing the

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