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In case you did not receive this....  And please forward as appropriate.
Thank you!!

Have a great day! and .... Enthusiasm is like a ripple in the water... It

Anne C. Lucas, Project Exec for iSeries Customer Relationships, IBM eServer
iSeries Marketing
iSeries Nation web site:  http://www.ibm.com/eserver/nation1  Chatting with
Citizens: http://www.ibm.com/eserver/nation/chate1

205/823-4831  T/L 537-9968,   800/223-3907 Pager eFax 1-501-325-2182
Admin Assist:   Alice Sebastiano Telephone:  (914) 642-4109, tie line
224-4109 Fax:  (914) 642-6976, tie line 224-6976

----- Forwarded by Anne Lucas/Birmingham/IBM on 11/14/2002 03:35 PM -----

                      eServer/Beaverton        To:       Anne 
                      /IBM@IBMUS               cc:
                                               Subject:  iSeries Nation 
News--Chatting with Citizens, November 15
                      11/14/2002 07:20
                      Please respond to
                      IBM eServer

Dear iSeries Nation Member:

Here's news for you on:

* November 15, Chatting with Citizens features
* Getting answers from IBM...we are here for you!

November 15--Application Modernization with Jon Paris &
                 Susan Gantner
Has the time come to abandon SEU and RPG?  Jon and Susan
think the answer is Yes to one and No to the other. Which
is which?  Join us and find out!

Start Time:  11:00 a.m. ET/10:00 a.m. CT/9:00 a.m. MT/8:00 a.m.
                 PT/4:00 p.m. UK/5:00 p.m. Germany

Register over the phone by calling 800-289-0579 or 719-457-2550
and referencing confirmation code 182399.

Register over the Web using confirmation code 182399 at:

When you enroll, you'll get the dial-in number you'll need
for the live call.

The call will be available for replay beginning at 2:00 p.m. ET on
11/15/2002 (in the US) and running for 2 weeks through 11/29/2002.

Have you ever had a question for IBM, or a concern with IBM that
you wanted to discuss or get resolved?  Have you tried calling
IBM in the past and couldn't seem to connect to the right group?
Now, there's a group of folks in iSeries dedicated to helping
customers.  They're based in Rochester, Minnesota.

They're a fanatical team of customer reps assigned to the
Customer Satisfaction area.  It's their goal to make every IBM
customer a Very Satisfied customer.  So if you do not consider
yourself Very Satisfied, these IBM iSeries reps would like to
hear from you...and they are just an email away.  Just send an
e-mail to these highly dedicated people and you'll get a prompt
response.  You can send your e-mail to rchcsat@us.ibm.com and a
real person will get back to you within 48 hours.

No problem--be it with an incorrect billing address or an
incomplete solution--is too small or too large.  Frequently, the
problems mentioned in the context of complaints have no direct
connection to our hardware itself, yet they interfere with a user's
efficient use of the iSeries to conduct a business.  No matter what
the cause, the iSeries customer satisfaction folks would like to
help you solve your problems.  And if you're having a problem with
the iSeries, please let them know so they can work to make you a
delighted customer.

These folks are totally committed to helping you.  They will
field any questions you have about IBM:  They specialize in
iSeries concerns yet are willing to try to help any IBM customer
in any way possible.

So, if you need a direct line into the IBM iSeries (aka AS400)
please contact this team, 24X7, for any problem anywhere, or
e-mail them at rchcsat@us.ibm.com.  There is a real human being
on the other end of that e-mail address!

Thank you for your support of iSeries!  Please feel free to
contact me any time!


Anne C. Lucas, Project Exec for iSeries Customer Relationships,
IBM eServer iSeries Marketing iSeries Nation web site:

Chatting with Citizens:

You received this e-mail as a member of the iSeries Nation.
To update your subscription to iSeries Nation, please visit:

To cancel your subscription to iSeries Nation, please visit:

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