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Steve Richter wrote:

>Does client access express run on linux ?
>Esp the c++ data queue, odbc, remote command and remote procedure call APIs.
>If not, what is the ibm alternative ?
>And if not, will it on v5r2 ?
>Steve Richter
So far, CA/400 does not run on Linux. I hope IBM will remedy this soon.
An Ops navigator written in Java would be ideal.

I use TN5250j for Green screen sessions to AS/400
(tn5250j.sourceforge.net). I have also used TN5250. TN5250 has much
better performance, but I never got to grips with the keyboard mapping.

Standard FTP is fine. I have also used JDBC for database access.

I haven't tried any of the other CAE features under Linux. It is
possible that there are sites on the internet where these issues have
been solved.

I also haven't tried running CAE functions under Linux using Wine. Some
of these might work.

Syd Nicholson

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