× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


at the risk of contradicting many of the other fine opinions you've had, my
advice would be to set all the files to *MOMAX, make this the default and
then change your system value so that if the system gets to 97% or so (you
pick a value) it ends down to a restricted state.

IMO it is way more troublesome to stop the business on a semi-regular basis
because a file needs to be incremented, rather then set up the system to
minimize the damage in the event of a runaway job and then monitor to
prevent that happening. i.e. do housekeeping regularly, religously and
rigorously AND have real time monitoring.

Unfortunately my experience is that this falls to the operations people in
most cases: the vast majority of developers I have encountered ask for
everything to be set to *NOMAX anyway. Present company excluded.

If anyone can tell me of a simple way to stop someone filling up the system
simply by creating a query that outputs to a file then I will alter my
approach. Yes I could limit storage for all the user profiles but.... then
I could limit all the file sizes as well. It comes down to getting
sufficient co-operation to doing this properly.

Tell EVERYONE what you have done and why. Offer to alter your approach
based on shared responsibility and co-operation. :)

This way whatever happens, everyone has agreed on the aproach.

Evan Harris

>We'd like to create all applicable file objects to size(*NOMAX) but perhaps
>someone can educate us first to any extenuating circumstances that could
>arise from this decision.

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